Laureal Foundation

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Trauma care

Laureal Foundation Trauma care Program

What about Trauma care ?

“Trauma is not really what happens to you, it is what usually happens inside you, what goes on inside your head as a result of what happened to you that is what affects the most.” Said Ruth Ese (not her real name) a 24 year old woman from Edo state, Nigeria. Ruth suffered from sexual trauma for nearly two decades after being sexually molested as a child and raped as an adult.

Ruth shared her traumatic experiences and how they have affected her life. It started with her lesson teacher, who sexually abused her for months but had to stop when he left town to further his education. She said “When he come around, my heart would start racing and whenever am reluctant he threatened to beat me up. Before he left I was scared to open up to anyone because I felt no one would believe me”. She also had another incident of rape from a bike man that offered her a lift home while she was still an undergraduate at University of Benin, Nigeria (UNIBEN). Those incidents affected her psychologically, making her lose trust for men and was always scared when in an enclosed place with them. This also affected her relationships which led to two break ups because she was always scared if they wanted to get intimate.

However, with the support of Laureal Foundation she got the needed help just like sixteen others across Cameroon, Nigeria and Ghana. They have benefitted from therapy sessions from mental health practitioners which the Foundation offered as well as support groups to help these patients recover properly.

The negative impact of trauma on people’s lives is underreported and not getting the sort of attention it deserves. It is reported that one in eleven people will be diagnosed with PTSD in their lifetime. Also, 61% of men and 51% of women report at least one traumatic event in their lifetimes. About 70% of adults worldwide have experienced one form of traumatic event or the other. More needs to be done to help people struggling with trauma because it has made many harm themselves, become addicted to drugs, dissociation just to mention a few.

The aforementioned underscore how pivotal it is to create more awareness about the long-lasting impact of trauma on individuals’ lives which can lead to depression and suicidal attempts if left untreated. Our mission at the Laureal Foundation is to provide trauma care through our various programs like counseling, therapy and trauma prevention. These programs are already yielding remarkable results and we hope to do way; that can only be achieved with donations from well meaning individuals. We wish to create bigger avenue that gives patients listening ears and offer them treatments from specialist based on their circumstances and to provide lasting solutions. Join us to provide the care that these patients need and together we make the world a better place.


When you support our trauma care programs, you help individuals and families access the essential resources and support they need to heal, recover, and rebuild their lives.